Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hello World - First Post

I have had numerous blogs throughout the years and never got farther than a few posts. I think a lot of that had to do with blogging about some topic I didn't care much about, so I grew bored and forgot about it. While creating this blog, I found out I already had an account and two blogs in it. Silent laughter on my part.

Anyway, something I have become quite passionate about in the past year and a half is weddings. Mostly because that's when I met my wonderful boyfriend, who will be my future husband. No, unfortunately he has not proposed to me yet. But he will and I will post about weddings until he does and after he does. :) I believe in thinking positively.

So, my posts will include references to things I like from other websites and ideas I have for my future wedding. We are looking to save money when we get married and have both agreed that we want a party. And a beautiful reception. So lots of drinks and food and dancing - and flowers and candlelight and special touches.

I imagine I will try to make as much as I can myself DIY and that him and our baby (dog) will watch me. Thank goodness for my friends who are the best and my man (cause the dog is quite a handful).

So I will post as I find things on blogs and at stores and around the city of Chicago. I have a few favorite venues and places and clothing shops. And a whole slew of people around me that are getting married. I hope I can give you some cool ideas.



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