Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rings! And under $5000

I have been slightly "obsessed" with engagement rings ever since I dated a guy who worked for a well known chain jewelry store. He would take me to stores and have me try on engagement rings, telling me what was what and what I should want. Needless to say, when he broke it off after 10 months, I was a little upset.

I digress.

J and I have been looking at rings online lately, so he knows what I like. And we realized I have a definite taste and style preference.


From the dreaded Rogers and Hollands, but it is just under $5000 and over a carat total. And it is lovely!

I actually really, really, really really like this one. So much, that I don't want to post any more pictures. I would just want a slightly bigger stone, but at this price: $2998!!!!, its a steal.

So, please tell J that I love this ring. I love him more, but I love this ring.

We can totally afford this (in 2+ years, ha!) and it won't bankrupt us. We just may be able to afford that wedding we've (I've) been dreaming of.



PS, the ex worked at R&H - I can't believe that I even looked at their website, but I found reasonably priced rings that I like there. Its some weird take on the circle, what goes around comes around phrase.

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